The greenhouse expansion for the Jicaro Danto project was initiated this month. Recently, the team has taken the important step of identifying other tree species that are beneficial for planting alongside Jicaro Danto seedlings during reforestation and restoration efforts. These other species provide benefits, such as growing quickly to shade the Jicaro Dantos. The current list includes Ochroma pyramidale, Inga leocalycina, Calophyllum brasiliense, Werklea insignis, Mesphilodaphne morae, Heliocarpus appendiculatus. The greenhouse can currently accommodate 2000 seedlings, but an expansion is required to accommodate increased Jicaro Danto reproduction and the reproduction of these other species. The team has also made significant progress with the planting of the Jicaro Danto seedlings this month, and as of the end of June 4 landowners have contributed a total of 4 hectares to the project’s reforestation efforts. The team is motivated by this progress and initiating the next phase of their work to reach out to more land owners and scale up the reforestation efforts.
Visiting farmers and reforestation work in areas that are currently undergoing change of land use from agriculture to forest gives me hope that new forests will grow in key areas for the biodiversity of this zone